writing a goodbye letter to alcohol

And I’m able to watch my daughters grow older. The silver lining to our relationship is that I am stronger than I’ve ever been. My relationship with you, Addiction, made me a trophy of grace. Relationships have been restored, and new ones have begun. I’ve said goodbye to relationships that held me back and hello to ones that push me to be the best version of myself.

writing a goodbye letter to alcohol

#2. The Supportive Approach

  • Once I got more acquainted with them, I knew they, just like you, weren’t my real friends.
  • Count the reasons in your head, then lay them out on paper.
  • Closure is not a pleasant process that individuals would love to go through, and it is possible to linger over the thought of turning a new leaf.
  • I tried to leave you, but you just came back even stronger and harder than before.
  • Tell the story of how alcohol has affected different facets of your life.
  • If addiction has stolen your friendships, family, and job, Ingrained Recovery can help.

Call us today to get the healing you need…and deserve. The entire team at Ingrained Recovery is with you along this way. We know how difficult it feels to choose the rehab center. But we also know that addiction is the hardest relationship you have. This letter helps you affirm your worth and reclaim your time from the addiction that has taken over your entire life.

Connect with Ingrained Recovery for Exceptional Treatment Support

To commemorate this event, and to help you plot a course toward a healthier future, many therapists recommend writing a goodbye letter to addiction. This letter marks a final commitment to staying free of alcohol or drugs and shows how thankful one is for their newfound sobriety. First and foremost, I want you to know how much I love you. I’ve seen the wonderful person you can be, and I believe in your potential to overcome this challenging chapter in your life.

An Impact Letter to Alcoholic Husband (10 Samples To Copy!)

This is my letter to my addiction, a candid confession of our twisted relationship. I acted differently around my friends, I ditched school to be with you, I even spent my hard-earned money on you. Get professional help from an online addiction and mental health counselor from BetterHelp. Our children, too, have been deeply affected by your alcoholism. They deserve a father who is present, engaged, and a positive role model. Instead, they are growing up in an environment of uncertainty and instability, unsure of when their father will be sober or when they will see you at your best.

writing a goodbye letter to alcohol

Goodbye Letter to Addiction Template

I am excited to rebuild the lives of myself and my kids and discover who I am without you. Thank you for the good memories and I’ll try to forget the bad. They deserve me without you tagging along.

writing a goodbye letter to alcohol

Oh dear friend Alcohol, what a long, weary road we have traveled together. When I first met you at the ripe goodbye letter to alcohol age of 15, I had no idea what an impact you would make on my life – and not the good kind, unfortunately.

writing a goodbye letter to alcohol

#10. The Hopeful Future Approach

Impact Letter to Alcoholic Husband: 10 Approaches To Take

writing a goodbye letter to alcohol

Guide on How to Write a Goodbye Letter to Your Addiction